Thursday, January 12, 2023

Top 5 Sources of News and Information

 As a 21 year old Gen Z, my news sources are different than my parents. Some are the same, but growing up with the internet provides a different sense of accessibility. Because of this, news is being shared even when I'm not seeking it out, like on social media. Here is a countdown of the sources I use, for better or for worse.

5. My Professors

In class, my professors will use current, real-world examples of the content I'm learning. When something seems interesting, I dig deeper on my own using Google. On top of that, I do background checks on the websites and authors I land on before trusting any of the information. 

4. Instagram

I use instagram as a way to check in on areas I'm interested about. For example, I will go to Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez's page and see her recent posts. Then, I'll go to National Geographic's page and see their recent posts. In a way, I use instagram as a search engine to see the recent activity of the people or organizations I'm curious about in that moment. 

3. My Mom

In a way, this source is Fox News. My mom is an avid Fox News consumer. When she hears something interesting, she calls me and tells me what happened. 

2. Apple Podcasts

I am subscribed to seven podcasts. Amongst them, I am consuming an array of different current stories. Since each podcast posts weekly, they each will bring in current events as a topic to discuss for this weeks episode. The top themes of news from these podcasts for me are the economy and entertainment news.

1. Instagram @DC_Draino (Rogan O'Handley)

This instagram account posts conservative, political news. He posts 3-4 times a day but with a heavy bias against liberal media and politics. I'm usually able to take this information and connect it to all of my other media sources.

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